
艾达和阿奇博尔德·麦克利什野外观测站, 一个独特的文科田野站, is a 250-acre patchwork of forest and pasture land in nearby Whately that provides opportunities for all members of the Smith community (students, 教师, 工作人员, 和明矾)追求艺术探索, 环境研究, 户外教育和低影响娱乐.  学生 are integral to the field station: they help steward the land, design programs for their peers and participate in making key decisions in the operation of the field station. The Bechtel Environmental classroom provides meeting and dry laboratory space for MacLeish users. 


Outside 柏克德环境教室, 麦克利什野外站, Whately, Mass.


是否召开会议, 在周围的树林里上课, 或者喝杯茶暖暖身子, 教学楼是野外站活动的中心. 该建筑包含一个研讨会和演讲空间, 一个“干燥”的实验室, 小办公室, 还有一个小厨房. 2012年在美国的资助下建造. D. 贝克特尔小. 基金会, the building was designated as the fifth fully certified Living Building, 在完成了严格的 生活建筑挑战 由国际生活期货协会监管. The building’s innovative design is a teaching tool in itself and you are welcome to request a tour and visit.  这栋楼可供五个学院班使用, 独立学生项目, and 工作人员 functions and can be reserved on 25Live or contact 保罗·吉姆, 现场站长, at pwetzel@7rrem.com 如果25Live不适合你.


麦克利什野外站 represents a classic New England landscape with unlimited potential for 教师 and student projects with guidance and support from the 现场站长 and other CEEDS’ 工作人员. 在麦克利什,你可以大胆思考,尝试新想法. Such as outdoor art projects and installations or taking a deep dive into New England landscape history. 这些多龄森林为环境研究提供了场所, 诗意的灵感, 或者是舞蹈或戏剧作品的背景.  Current and old pastures encourage investigation into pasture management, 生物学领域, 或入侵植物物种生态与缓解. Small streams and vernal pools provide locations for aquatic investigations. To discuss potential projects, contact 保罗·吉姆, 现场站长, at pwetzel@7rrem.com

艺术领域计划的目的是鼓励工作, 以及跨领域的合作, 艺术, 人文学科, 以及艾达和阿奇博尔德·麦克利什科考站的科学研究. 分别以艺术家和诗人的名字命名, 田野站一直是一个真正的文科空间, 科学研究之家, 艺术设施, 舞蹈节目, 写作撤退, 耽于幻想的程序, 还有更多. 艺术领域正式确立了这一承诺.

One aspect of the 艺术在战场上 program is modeled on a common academic research station model, 长期生态研究计划, 并根据澳门葡京博彩软件的文科使命进行了改编. Ten “research plots” for 艺术 and 人文学科 have been created at MacLeish, 在艺术家, 游客, 学生们也被邀请暂停一下, 反映, 和创建.

艺术领域是环境中心的一项倡议, 生态设计, 和可持续发展(CEEDS), 由Joanne Benkley共同主持, ES副主任&P和CEEDS 米歇尔·维克他是心理学讲师.


了解一棵树, an ongoing, multi-disciplinary project of current Artist-in-Residence, Gina Siepel. 

Ecotones - the earthwork sculptures designed and installed at MacLeish by artist Gabrielle Russomagno.  ecotone包括两个不同的时间艺术作品-草的故事 (2021)和 接地 (2022)—made with materials harvested from the 190 acres of hilltop forest.  

艺术领域的长期生态反思 这个网站上的节目情节是由Tess Abbot创建的.

Weather conditions are monitored continuously in two locations at MacLeish: above the forest canopy atop a 25 meter tower and in a forest clearing at 2–10 meters above ground. Weather variables measured at both stations include atmospheric pressure, 温度, 相对湿度, 太阳辐射, 还有风速和风向. Soil moisture and 温度 at various depths to 1 meter below ground are also measured at the forest clearing site. These data provide a record of localized weather conditions to support research projects at MacLeish. 请与实地站经理保罗·吉姆 (pwetzel@7rrem.com; 413.585.2646)查阅天气及土壤资料.

A video camera mounted on the 25 meter tower records a daily photograph of the forest canopy at MacLeish (http://phenocam.sr.主要研究.edu/webcam/sites/macleish). 这款相机, 和麦克利什, 是PhenoCam的成员, 生态系统物候照相机网络, 在全球拥有530个站点的网络. 最新的图片可以在这里看到: http://phenocam.sr.主要研究.edu/data/latest/macleish.jpg.

野外观测站也有一只 地球观测站L61B地震仪. 三分量宽带传感器连续传感, record and transmit ground motions from a wide range of seismic sources, 包括本地和遥远的地震, 火山爆发和其他自然和人为活动.


Each year student interns working at MacLeish plan a number of events t在这里. Past events have included music jams in the 柏克德环境教室 and star-gazing under the station’s dark sky.

检查 环保活动日历 有关即将举行的活动以及如何报名的信息.

The 麦克利什野外站 is available year round for 教师 research, 实地考察旅行, 以及独立的学生项目. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 保罗·吉姆, 现场站长, at pwetzel@7rrem.com.


The 麦克利什野外站 is home to a “low elements” challenge course. This exciting resource was made possible by a generous donation from Trish Jackson, 学院的前发展副校长, 是由Brattleboro的High 5 Adventure设计和建造的, 佛蒙特州.

这门课程和它的促进者参与了学生组织, 房子, 室外项目, 体育团队, 类, 学生会领导, 住宿生活人员, and administrative and academic department members engage in safe and challenging activities that can bring groups closer together, 揭示关于权力动态的重要问题, 改善沟通策略.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 challengecourse@7rrem.com. 点击查询挑战课程的使用情况 在这里.


The Field Archery course at MacLeish allows archers to shoot at targets in varying outdoor settings. The course has seven stations with target distances that ranging from 5 to 45 yards and is located along the southern and western section of the Hemlock Trail (red markers).

The Field Archery course is available to the Smith community and outside groups with permission.  使用本课程需要经过特殊培训. 请与现场站长保罗·吉姆联系 pwetzel@7rrem.com.

Overnight camping is limited to the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community and visiting researchers. T在这里 are two designated camping areas and permission must be obtained by a formal request [see below], 最好是提前7天. The group site is located north of the Chestnut orchard about ½ miles from the parking area and can accommodate 12 to 15 people. The remote campsite accommodates six to eight people and is on the northern boundary of the property.

两个营地都很原始. Fires are restricted to the two campsites within designated fire rings. Fires must be small and cooking sized (no large fires) and must be extinguished fully before going to sleep or leaving. Collect dead wood from the ground only—no cutting of live wood or bringing off-site firewood is allowed.

预订过夜露营,请使用 在线表单.

For questions about overnight camping, contact 保罗·吉姆, 现场站长, at pwetzel@7rrem.com.


The 篝火圆 has the best view at MacLeish and is a great place for a group campfire. 木柴、引火用具和可供大约10人用餐的座位. 消防圈的使用仅限于澳门葡京博彩软件社区.

要预定篝火圈,请使用 在线表单.

For questions about the 篝火圆, contact 保罗·吉姆, 现场站长, at pwetzel@7rrem.com


See and learn about all the ways you can use the field station for work and for leisure! 让保罗·吉姆,现场站长,做你的向导!


科学探究在麦克利什科考站蓬勃发展, 那里的学生, 教师, and community members explore the beautiful and diverse ecosystem of plants and animals.













