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Smithsonian Internship Program

Smithsonian Museum - exterior

Spend a semester in Washington, D.C., working side-by-side with some of the nation’s preeminent scholars and museum professionals. Smith College’s Smithsonian Internship Program enables qualified juniors and seniors to experience hands-on research and guided learning development at one of the institution’s many museums, research centers and other sites in D.C. 学生们一边工作、学习和研究,一边享受首都的生活.

News & Announcements

史密森尼实习计划的申请已经开放!! The deadline is February 26, 2024 at 4:00pm.  

Please read the "How to Apply" section below and click on the 史密森尼实习计划申请表 when you've gathered all your materials to submit. If you have any questions, please email

About the Smithsonian Program

Established in 1980, the Smithsonian Internship Program at Smith College is unique among study away options. Our program works closely with the Smithsonian Institution’s Office of Academic Appointments and Internships to match students with a mentor-supervisor at one of over twenty Smithsonian sites. During their internships, 学生协助创建展览和节目, 利用档案和博物馆资料进行研究, 并与博物馆专业人员一起在各种项目上并肩工作.

In addition to the internship, 学生们每周参加由当地专业人士教授的博物馆研究研讨会. Twice monthly research seminars with the program director helps students develop and present their independent projects. 最近的学生研究项目涉及邮件艺术, Indigenous astronomy, the Women’s History Museum, food insecurity in DC, the work of John Singer Sargent, Indian Ragmala paintings, queer country music, and more. 总之,这些活动构成了一个完整学期的课程学分.


What is the internship itself?

Students work  side-by-side with their supervisors at one of the many Smithsonian units three to four days a week. The work is varied. Depending on the venue and placement, students may serve as junior curators, exhibit or event team members, 正在接受培训的研究助理或档案管理员, among other opportunities. 


In addition to the internship, students take a seminar in museum studies that meets once a week on Friday mornings. 这是一门与Smith (reading)教授的研讨会相符合的课程, assignments, etc), but also includes guest speakers, site visits, and field trips.这个班经常在D.C.包括国家美术馆和弗农山庄.

Students are required to develop a substantial independent project (equivalent to a 40-page paper), which is evaluated by Smith faculty. 该独立项目由每月两次的研究研讨会提供支持, 其中包括培养研究技能的课程, using the Library of Congress, and occasional behind-the-scenes visits to SI resources like the Archives Center at the National Museum of American History or the State Department's National Museum of American Diplomacy. Select projects can be found on SmithScholarWorks.


史密森尼项目是一个16学分的项目. Students receive 4 credits for the guided learning experience of their internship (AMS 410) , 4 credits for the museum studies seminar (AMS 411) and 8 credits for the research seminar (AMS 412). 所有这些都出现在成绩单上的美国研究学分. Often one or more of these courses can be used for credit within the major department/program.

Do I have to be an American studies major?

Absolutely not. 我们鼓励所有专业的学生申请. Internships span a wide range of disciplines, as does the Smithsonian Institution itself. 在过去的几年里,学生主修人类学, art history, astronomy, data science, education, government, history, and study of women & 性别和美国研究都参与了这个项目.

When do I start? How long does it last?

You begin your internship the day after Labor Day and finish on the final day of Smith classes. 休假和假期要和你的主管协商. Classes follow the Smith academic calendar.

What does a typical workday look like? 

Typically, student interns work from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 然而,这个时间表取决于单位和主管.  学生上下班通过地铁,地铁巴士,或步行. 他们倾向于每天向上级汇报情况, 但在工作日,他们通常是独立的. Day-to-day activities might include sending emails; attending meetings, lectures, and special events, conducting research or proofreading copy. After work, 学生们经常参加讲座或博物馆活动, 去公共图书馆或国会图书馆做一些功课, go out with friends, or attend a cultural or networking event.

What about housing?

你自己负责自己的食宿. The College employs a recent Smith graduate as a liaison with locating housing on your own..

Popular options are Thompson Markward Hall, Intern Housing Networks such as WISH or WIHN, Airbnb, and living with an alum.

What happens to my financial aid?

Your family contribution will be determined exactly as it would be if you were studying at Smith. The only differences are 1) Smith College may replace Federal Work Study or Campus Work Study 2) you will not be charged by the college for room and board. 有机会申请基于需求和特定项目的援助, 最近,学生们还获得了生活费津贴.


Accepted students should confirm their participation with the director by the first monday of April. They must also file an Approved Study Off-Campus form or Studying Elsewhere Senior Year form with the College. 


Graduates of the Smithsonian Program are well positioned to pursue graduate work and employment in art, history, and science museums. The director and chief curator at the Smith College Museum of Art is a Smithsonian Program alumna, 史密森尼博物馆和华盛顿特区的许多策展人和工作人员也是如此.

How to Apply

How to Apply

2024年秋季课程的申请截止日期为2024年2月26日下午4点. 接受决定将于2024年3月25日公布. Students must notify American studies of their intent to participate by April 1, 2024.


Applications Must Include the Following
  • 4-6-page sample graded paper with a contextualized paragraph-long explanation about how this paper is relevant to the Smithsonian Internship Program. 论文本身不需要包含标记或反馈, 但你应该在你的段落中提供分数.
  • 提供推荐信的两位推荐人姓名. 其中一个必须是澳门葡京博彩软件的教员. Students should ask faculty/staff who know them well enough to speak about their ability to work independently. The SIP admin will email references a link through which to submit their recommendation.
  • Current resume.
  • An unofficial transcript (minimum GPA is 3.0) from Workday (job aid instructions).
  • List of relevant courses with titles, names of instructors, grade received, 以及与实习相关的简要说明.
  • 兴趣陈述600- 1200字,应包括以下问题:
    • 是什么让你想申请这个特别的项目?
    • What are your learning goals for the internship and how are these related to your academic and career goals?
    • How have your academic or outside experiences prepared you for an internship at the Smithsonian?
    • 你梦想中的实习经历是什么样的?


The Smithsonian Internship Program director works with staff in the Office of Academic Appointments and Internships (OAAI) at the Smithsonian and reaches out to the various museums for internship project proposals. This tab includes the project proposals that staff at those museums have sent us so far. More will come in after the March 10, 2023, application deadline, 所以请一定要经常回来看看是否有新的添加. 

Application is available on the website. The Smithsonian program director chairs a general information meeting about the program for interested applicants.

Mid-February to early March
Deadline to submit application

Late March
发给学生的录取通知, 视顺利完成本学期而定. Projects are not yet assigned.

Early April
学生通知项目主任他们参加的意图. Students must submit either an “Approved Study Off-Campus” or “Studying Elsewhere Senior Year” form with the Registrar. 注册办公室然后注册这些学生参加医疗辅助队的研讨会410、411 & 412 in the fall.

项目主管与学生见面,宣布项目任务. Students create a SOLAA account.

Late April

The program director confirms students’ successful completion of the spring semester with the Registrar’s office. 如果满意,学生被认为完全接受进入该计划.

Early June
The Smithsonian contacts students with details about background security checks (via DocuSign). 

学生需要为在华盛顿特区的生活做出住房安排.C., and to submit their appointment paperwork to the Smithsonian for processing before the end of August.

Tuesday after Labor Day
学生(现在是实习生)在D开迎新会.C. with a representative from the Smithsonian.Friday after Labor Day


September through December
Interns work at their assigned sites under direct supervision by Smithsonian curators, 以及他们自己的个人研究项目. 实习生们每周聚在一起参加一个关于博物馆研究的研讨会. They meet bi-monthly with the Smithsonian program director and periodically with the liaison.

Smith课程的最后一天是实习的最后一天. 期末专题在考试期结束时缴交.

January (following year) 

March (following year)
Students consider submitting revised project for Gardner Prize and SmithScholarWorks.

Student Experiences

“我能够运用我在澳门葡京博彩软件所学到的知识, putting my knowledge into action, researching, 写作和参与的项目涵盖了我的每一个兴趣.”
—Hannah Elbaum ’19
“I loved the liveliness of D.C., my fantastic supervisor and the incredible Smith students I became friends with during this unique program.”
—Samantha Page ’17
“Everyone with whom I had the privilege of working at the Smithsonian was enthusiastic, 很有帮助,确保我的经历是难忘的和有意义的.”
—Sylvie Wise ’17

Contact Program of American Studies

Wright Hall 225
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063

Phone: 413-585-3503 Email:

Director: Christen Mucher

Administrative Assistant: 
Karikari Ohene Acheampong