
The 咨询服务 office is staffed by licensed clinical social workers, 持牌婚姻和家庭治疗师, 还有专门研究心理健康的精神病医生. The service also has advanced master’s-level interns from a variety of schools.


The Counseling Service staff embody a range of visible and invisible identities along the lines of race, 社会经济类, 性别, 性, 能力, 文化, 宗教, 移民, 第一代身份和更多. We commit to continually learning to work with a range of people and presentations using emerging interventions, 研究和学生反馈.

Like you, we are infinitely intersectional and evolving.



Laurie earned her bachelor’s degree in environmental geography at the University of Iowa. 在来澳门葡京博彩软件之前, 她在夏威夷担任艾滋病倡导者, as a court advocate for survivors of domestic violence and in health care administration. 在她空闲的时候, 她和她的孩子们在一条新的小路上徒步旅行, experimenting with new cookie recipes or getting lost in a new book.


Michelle Marchese, LICSW


Michelle is a licensed independent clinical social worker and a certified EMDR therapist and consultant. She is currently a doctoral candidate at the 澳门葡京博彩软件 School for Social Work researching dissociation measures for use with queer and trans communities, 和EMDR来治疗种族压力. 作为一名创伤专家, 她曾从事社区精神卫生工作, at the Veterans Administration and the Trauma Institute, 在私人执业中. She also has published and taught on subjects related to trauma. Her relational treatment approach rests on a trauma-centered, 主体间基础辅以CBT, 根据需要进行DBT和躯体干预. Maybe you have met her canine assistant, Stanley, around campus or when howling during a Zoom call.



Director of Psychiatry, Associate Director of Counseling

Lisa Youngling Howard received her bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College, where she majored in biology with a concentration in women’s studies, and her medical degree from Cornell University Medical College. She completed her residency in psychiatry at Harvard University’s Cambridge 健康 Alliance, as well as a fellowship in psychotherapy at Harvard University 健康 服务. 完成培训后, Lisa worked at Cambridge 健康 Alliance as the director of partial hospital and intensive outpatient programs and was an instructor at Harvard Medical School, involved in teaching and supervising medical students and residents. 她在大学心理健康方面有丰富的经验, having worked at Bennington College for eight years and also at Wellesley College before joining 咨询服务 at Smith. 除了她在澳门葡京博彩软件的职位, 丽莎也在古尔德农场工作, a psychiatric rehabilitation and residential treatment facility in Monterey, 麻萨诸塞州. Her primary clinical interests include identity development, women’s issues and working collaboratively with students to address a variety of mental health issues.


Greenlee Brown, LCSW


格林利自2020年秋季以来一直在澳门葡京博彩软件工作. They have experience working with young queer and trans people, 恋的人, BDSM社区的人, 还有那些生活在复杂创伤中的年轻人. He aims to build a clinical practice grounded in relationship and vulner能力, and is particularly interested in somatic approaches to living with trauma and working with white people to divest from white supremacy. He has two black cats, Lover Boy and Boo, and too many books (some would say).


Noah Cochran, LICSW


Noah is a licensed clinical social worker trained at the Smith School of Social Work. 在南方长大, 然后他们进入缅因州的鲍登学院学习, where they earned their bachelor's degree in psychology and education. 他们以创伤为中心进行临床工作, attachment-informed, 以及基于社会正义的关系视角. They believe in the liberatory potential of healing through relationships and community, 他们的工作重点是悲伤, 关系性和结构性创伤, 和身份. Beyond their role as a therapist, Noah is an avid reader and a fledgling woodworker. 

梅格Laird, lsw


Meg graduated from Oberlin College with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. Following two siblings, she earned her master’s degree from Smith’s School for Social Work. She started her career in college counseling as a master’s intern, assigned to Duke University’s Counseling and Psychological 服务. 1992年起在澳门葡京博彩软件咨询服务公司工作, she has helped thousands of Smith students navigate their college years and find more satisfaction in their lives. In addition to facilitating individual work on a variety of topics, she offers a beloved grief support group every semester. Certified in clinical supervision, she has worked with more than 20 master’s-level interns.




成年后离开圭亚那, Nathalie became an Ada Comstock Scholar and graduated from 澳门葡京博彩软件 with a bachelor’s degree in cultural anthropology. She continued her education by earning a master's degree in women’s studies from Southern Connecticut State University. Nathalie’s academic interests and commitment to individual empowerment led her into the community mental health field. After several years working to support women and families, Nathalie pursued a master of social work at the Smith School for Social Work before joining the 咨询服务 staff.




埃琳娜是有执照的婚姻和家庭治疗师. She received her master’s degree in clinical psychology from Antioch University in Los Angeles. She has a private practice in Amherst, emphasizing an integrative approach to therapy. 她发展了躯体心理学, 一种结合呼吸法的方法, yoga and martial arts with traditional verbal practices. Elena’s clinical interests are far-ranging in that they encompass the broad cultural experience of 性别, 种族和双文化主义, as well as the intimate sensed experience of the physical body.


